
Stay up to date on all the going-ons at Westminster Presbyterian Church!

Annual Congregational Meeting

Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be held following worship on June 16th. At this meeting we will vote on incoming officers and terms of call. Annual reports, the 2025 budget, and terms of call will all be available at the meeting.

Summer Reading Vacation

It's hard to believe it is time to talk about summer plans already but here we are! We are partnering, once again, with Neighbor's House to put on a Summer Reading Vacation July 22-25. This program is open to all children
entering K-6th grade. We will meet Monday-Thursday from 6-8 to help enhance reading skills, provide a fun summer activity, and share God's love. If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to Kat Schnorr to let her know!

Church Picnic

The Church Picnic will be held at church on June 23 after church. Box lunches will be available, and drinks will be provided. A free-will offering will be taken (food is expensive these days!). Sign-up sheets are available in the fellowship hall after worship.
The deacons are also looking for anyone with a ladder toss game who would be willing to loan it to us for the picnic. Please contact the church office if you have one we can use.

Meals with Molly (and Michael) 

Pastor Molly is attempting to have a meal with each family or individual in the congregation over the next year. Look out for the sign up clipboard during fellowship hour or see the available dates in the weekly Mini News and Views. Michael can be invited to these meals as well, if you would like to include him, but he may not always be available.