Stay up to date on all the going-ons at Westminster Presbyterian Church!
Liturgist and Children's Message
We need your help! Volunteers are needed to serve as liturgists and to share the children’s message during
worship. We hope to have a liturgist every week, so please consider signing up to help lead this important part
of our service. If you enjoy connecting with kids, the children’s message is a wonderful way to share God’s love
with our youngest members. Liturgy means “the work of the people,” and your participation helps make our
worship a true reflection of our congregation and community. Thank you for sharing your gifts!
worship. We hope to have a liturgist every week, so please consider signing up to help lead this important part
of our service. If you enjoy connecting with kids, the children’s message is a wonderful way to share God’s love
with our youngest members. Liturgy means “the work of the people,” and your participation helps make our
worship a true reflection of our congregation and community. Thank you for sharing your gifts!
Meals with Molly (and Michael)
Meals with Molly will continue into 2025. In 2024 Pastor Molly begin a journey of sharing a meal with each member/family in the congregation. As time is limited, she wasn't able to make to every home, but the journey continues. Meals with Molly and Michael will begin again in March.
Unitarian Universalist Warming Shelter
The Dekalb community has really stepped up to serve at the Unitarian Universalist warming shelter, but there are still some meals needed in the next few months. If you are willing and able to provide a meal, please use the link below to sign up! If you bring a meal, you are highly encouraged to stay and eat with the guests.
Ash Wednesday Service and Lent
Ash Wednesday Service will be held on Wednesday, March 5th at 5:00pm in the Sanctuary. The service will be live streamed.
As we journey through Lent this year, we will be taking a look at the polarities that exist in our world today. "Everything in Between" is a Sanctified Art lenten series uses the the stories of Jesus's interactions with all kinds of people. Through these sacred stories we will engage with supposed binaries like "faith & works" or "power & humility." With faith we will unpack these dichotomies and see the way that they are often false. We will move away from Black and White thinking and begin to see the full spectrum of possibilities. "We encourage you to notice the dichotomies that define our lives, but also imagine where God might be meeting us beyond the categories we create." (A Sanctified Art)
Soup Suppers will take place on Thursday evenings through Lent (March 13- April 10) at 6:00pm. Please join us for dinner and discussion.
As we journey through Lent this year, we will be taking a look at the polarities that exist in our world today. "Everything in Between" is a Sanctified Art lenten series uses the the stories of Jesus's interactions with all kinds of people. Through these sacred stories we will engage with supposed binaries like "faith & works" or "power & humility." With faith we will unpack these dichotomies and see the way that they are often false. We will move away from Black and White thinking and begin to see the full spectrum of possibilities. "We encourage you to notice the dichotomies that define our lives, but also imagine where God might be meeting us beyond the categories we create." (A Sanctified Art)
Soup Suppers will take place on Thursday evenings through Lent (March 13- April 10) at 6:00pm. Please join us for dinner and discussion.