Rev. Molly Fisherkeller

Rev. Deb Roberts


Interim Co-Pastor

Pastor Molly has served as both Associate Pastor and Co-Pastor at Westminster Presbyterian Church in the 3+ years she has been here. Prior to moving to DeKalb, she lived in New Orleans, LA, for two and a half years. She worked as a case worker in a Domestic Violence Shelter and as a hospital chaplain resident. Also while in New Orleans, Molly served as the Youth Coordinator at First Presbyterian Church and did pulpit supply around the Presbytery of South Louisiana. Molly has a BA in Religion and Culture from Virginia Tech and a Master of Divinity from San Francisco Theological Seminary. Molly has an eight-year-old pit bull and two guinea pigs. Molly got married on April 6, 2024. She enjoys kayaking and spending time outdoors and near water, when it’s much warmer. She also likes cross stitching, reading, and musicals.
Deb comes to Westminster as our Co-pastoral Interim, having recently marked 40 years in ministry. She retired after 20 years of being a co-pastor with her husband, Clinton, at Knox Presbyterian in Naperville. They now reside in Batavia not far from their children and grandchildren. She believes firmly in the family of faith as the healing community and the shared witness of love and welcome in the larger community.

Lisa Kammes

Office Administrator 

Music Ministry

Robert Davis

Ségun Òwèlè

Victoria Young 

Chancel Choir Director 
Bell Choir Director 
Praise Band Director and Church Musician

Jan VanderMeer

Joy Hadley 

Church Musician
Church Musician